

本公司拥有二十余年丰富建筑装修经验,并有多名优秀建筑师提供专业建筑设计方案。公司业务包括:室内外装修,商铺装修(餐馆丶娱乐场所等),新旧房屋改建,并可用专业设备(如CNC丶激光切割设备等)提供高端特别定制设计服务。 我们拥有一流的设计与施工团队,精益求精注重品质,并有完善的客户服务。提供免费估价和设计,欢迎来电咨询。 联 系 人: ryan 黄 联系电话: 718-288-6666 Email : fcdesignconstruction@gmail.com 网站:www.fc-architect.com

We are a design and construction company located in NYC. We have been in business for over 20 years. We offer services range from bathroom remodel, kitchen remodel to building new houses. Anything you can name, we can fix or build it. Although we are located in NYC, we have served tri-state area as well. We offer highest quality of craftsmanship and design elements. Moreover, we are not merely a construction company; we also provide unique design and custom jobs such as designing one of a kind tables and other pieces that would enrich your house. Please give us a call if you have any home improvement or other building types that need helps. We will provide FREE estimate and design recommendations. Website: www.fc-architect.com Phone: 718-288-6666 Email: Fcdesignconstruction@gmail.com


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2023-03-04 | 1 室 厅 1 卫