作为入籍过程的一部分,申请美国公民身份的人必须通过两部分的入籍测试。第一部分是英语考试,评估申请人的阅读,写作和口语能力。 第二项是公民测试,评估申请人对美国历史和政府的了解。
在公民入籍考试中,有些问题的答案会因选举或任命结果而改变。 当您学习考题时,请务必确定您知道该类试题的最新答案。 当您到美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)接受公民入籍面试时,您需要回答当时在位任职的政府官员之姓名。美国公民入籍考试包含100个公民问题,申请者在面试中最多被问到10个左右,申请者必须正确回答六个才能通过。
1(英) What is the supreme law of the land?
(英) What is the supreme law of the land?
(中) 美国的最高法律是什么?
- 宪法
the Constitution
2(英) What does the Constitution do?
(英) What does the Constitution do?
(中) 宪法的作用是什么?
- 成立政府
sets up the government - 定义政府
defines the government - 保护美国人的基本权利
protects basic rights of Americans
3(英) The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?
(英) The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?
(中) 宪法的前三个字说明自治的概念 。这三个字是什么?
- 我们人民
We the People
4(英) What is an amendment?
(英) What is an amendment?
(中) 什么是修正案?
- (宪法)的更正
a change (to the Constitution) - (宪法)的附加
an addition (to the Constitution)
5(英) What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
(英) What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
(中) 宪法的前十项修正案称为什么?
- 权利法案
the Bill of Rights
6(英) What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?
(英) What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?
(中) 列举宪法第一条修正案中的一项权利或自由。
- 言论自由
speech - 信仰自由
religion - 集会结社的自由
assembly - 出版自由
press - 向政府请愿的自由
petition the government
7(英) How many amendments does the Constitution have?
(英) How many amendments does the Constitution have?
(中) 宪法有几条修正案?
- 二十七条
twenty-seven (27)
8(英) What did the Declaration of Independence do?
(英) What did the Declaration of Independence do?
(中) 「独立宣言」的作用是什么?
- 宣布美国(脱离英国而)独立
announced our independence (from Great Britain) - 宣告美国(脱离英国而)独立
declared our independence (from Great Britain) - 表示美国(脱离英国而)独立
said that the United States is free (from Great Britain)
9(英) What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?
(英) What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?
(中) 列举「独立宣言」中的两项权利
- 生命(的权利)
life - 自由(的权利)
liberty - 追求幸福(的权利)
pursuit of happiness
10(英) What is freedom of religion?
(英) What is freedom of religion?
(中) 什么是宗教自由?
- 你可以信仰任何宗教,也可以不信仰任何宗教
You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion.